Jaye Jackson’s Legacy At West End Radiators

On October 13, 2024 our friend and colleague, Jaye Jackson passed peacefully.

Jaye was a member of our work family here at West End Radiators for over 25 years.

She was our first hired employee for our copper-brass manufacturing department, going on to grow and lead the department. She wore many other hats too, including coordinating team traditions and events, such as Pizza Fridays and donations to the Christmas Cheer Board.

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Jaye photographed while working in the copper-brass manufacturing department at our Winnipeg location in 2020.

Our company also had the pleasure of sending Jaye on a few work trips. The first trip was to Dallas, Texas to attend an open book management conference. With a focus on growing and developing people, Jaye absolutely loved it. 

The second trip was an industry event in Dubai to tour a couple of large manufacturers. Jaye was in her glory here, asking questions about their manufacturing processes and making friends along the way. 

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Jaye Jackson and Wayne Feeleus in Dubai for a work event in 2023.

At her celebration of life earlier this year, a few members or our team spoke. Here’s a few excerpts from their speeches that indicate just how special Jaye was to our company.

Excerpt from Wayne Feeleus, West End Radiators Co-Owner and Director of Sales & Business Development

Being the first employee in a department of a growing company isn’t easy.  I often say working together in a company is almost like a marriage.  Most days are great, some days are just ok and some days are just plain hard.  Having 3 bosses in the beginning in my oldest brother Arnold, middle brother Pete and myself wasn’t easy.  Even through all of the challenges that came along Jaye was always committed.

Along this journey of working together Jaye’s love for people was impossible to miss.  Any idea related to community involvement or staff get togethers would always get her excited. Starting with new traditions like having pizza on the last Friday of the month to Jaye’s and I’s favorite potluck lunch at Christmas we’re something that we always looked forward to. Jaye was always about community 

Excerpt from Jason Hinds, West End Radiators Shop Foreman

“Jaye loved with all of her heart and ALWAYS, always looked out for others. She was,…an amazing co-worker, but more than that, she was my best friend-and I’m telling you, she was an amazing bestie.

But..Jaye had a fighter’s spirit. If you knew Jaye, you knew she was feisty, she was competitive, she didn’t back down, and she liked to be right. Jaye told you how she truly felt, not how you necessarily wanted to hear it. Jaye was a deeply emotional person and unwavering in her sincerity. She was steadfast in those things that she believed.

Jaye was extremely proud of her place of employment, West End Radiators. We have people from around the Globe; I think 19 to 21 different countries are represented…and Jaye tried to learn something about each and every one of her coworkers, and their cultures. She truly wanted to relate to people on a personal level. She had an interest in other people’s customs and traditions. Jaye welcomed you with a warm smile and open arms! She wanted to learn about you, as a person. 

Jaye always had a few minutes to chat, to check on how a person was doing, how they were feeling, seeing if there was anything she could do to help ‘your’ day. Jaye was genuine.

And I must add, she was a great teacher; she trained a large portion of our staff, in many areas of the company. It came natural to her because she cared: she was detailed and she was patient. There was a lot you could learn from Jaye, about the rad industry.

Jaye will remain as a member on Our Team page as we want her legacy to live on here at work.

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We invite you to join us this coming June in participating in the Challenge For Life walk in support of Cancer Care Manitoba. West End Radiators will be walking to support Jaye and all that she was.

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Jaye as a flag bearer at the Challenge For Life walk in 2024.
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